It was bound to happen.

On January 20th, I was feeling slightly more tired than usual towards the end of work. I tried not to think too much about it, and managed to get home safely, albeit with a bit of a slight sore throat developing.

The next day, the fatigue just grew worse, and I had to call in sick. I figured that with a good amount of rest, I would get better.

The good news? The rest helped.

The bad news? My sore throat got worse.

As an educator, the last thing I wanted to do was to get my students and my colleagues sick if my suspicions about my sore throat turned out to be true, so on the Sunday of that weekend, I did a late-night supermarket and cash-withdrawal run before contacting one of my supervisors to explain the situation. I was further advised to call in sick on Monday, and wait for instructions to visit a clinic that would be willing to examine me.

The bad news? I tested positive for the ‘Rona.

The good news? At least I was able to confirm what I suspected, and managed to avoid causing severe problems at work.

Between my double-vaccinated status and my above-average fitness, I did manage to recover, although I need to work on building up my fitness again, and my throat, while much better, is still easily irritable. At least I’ve still got my health, and my infection should give me a bit of a temporary resistance to the virus until I can get my booster vaccine.

I do have my suspicions as to how I caught the virus, but for the time being, it doesn’t hurt to be extra careful. Until the end of the school year in March, I can’t see myself eating lunch at work with my students as I normally do, and chances are that it’ll probably continue on until the final year of my contract is finished. It’s a shame, but in the end, given that I wouldn’t want to wish “easy mode” of the virus on my worst enemies, I really cannot afford to slip up.

Take care of yourselves.