I’d like to think that things have been slowly picking up for me quite recently. It’s never easy to bounce back from a dip in your mental health - countless people worldwide will attest to this - but it’s definitely possible. The key is to keep taking small steps forward.

Trying to write this update feels like a mess on its own. Perhaps I should use my Skillshare subscription to learn how to properly organise my thoughts coherently. However, the fact remains that I’m doing pretty well for someone who’s only just started writing both for pleasure and to vent quite recently.

That’s the kind of small victory I can accept.

(Typing on a mechanical keyboard also helps. I’ve already touched on this, but the experience of using such a keyboard is just so satisfying.)

Revisiting a small cafe I haven’t been to in a long while? That’s another small victory.

Slowly clearing out the trash from my apartment bit by bit? I’ll take that. I do have less than sixty weeks before I move out, though.

Rediscovering the joys of playing the bass fingerstyle? It’s oddly satisfying, and that’s from someone who usually plays with a pick.

Figuring out my own workout schedule and mainly being successful in sticking to it? It’ll be even better if I can apply that discipline to other aspects of my life.

I’m slowly getting there, crawling forward bit by bit. Sooner or later, I’ll have the momentum and drive to pick myself off the ground to make moving forward easier.

To hell with the pandemic. I’ll keep moving forward, no matter how long it takes.