It’s 2023, and I think it’s about time to take another step out of my comfort zone.

Before I continue, though, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read what I have to say, and I hope you’ll continue to do so. Even if it’s just one or two of you, I appreciate that you’re paying attention to whatever it is that I’m sharing.

I’ll be treating both my website and my Mastodon account as two sides of the same coin. As for what the coin represents, think of it as a pokey little club that’s open to the public. If you’re already following me on Mastodon, you’ll have access to any updates on my website.

If I decide to upload a video, you’ll get to see it.

If I feel like sharing some ripper photos, you’ll get to see them.

(That reminds me, I need to figure out how to add Alt Text to what I already have on my website.)

If there’s a random thought that’s too large for me to express in 500 characters, you’ll get to read it. Hopefully, it won’t be too angsty.

Of course, all previous posts will remain available for you to peruse at your leisure. I recommend nursing a cuppa while you do so.

All this will be absolutely free to access. You won’t have to worry about any paywalls, and I’m not going to charge extra for perks. Simply follow me on Mastodon.

That’s it.